and downs is the part of life and after bad time come the good time .But many
peoples can not tolerate the bad phase of life .For this type people
spirituality is the best option .It give you the peace and comfort in the life
.It can be way of coping with change or uncertainty. Spirituality is the imported type
of the meditation course .Mostly peoples attach this term with the religious
.But it is a broad term it is the process of connecting yourself with the soul
.For this mostly people go the temple, church or any other religious place
according to aastha but some people find spirituality by private prayer as
yoga, meditation, quiet reflection and by many methods. It is helpful in know
what is we and what is the true mean of our life and what is the aim of your
life? It connects us with our soul. It
is relating the developing of beliefs around the meaning of life and connection with other.
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